Source code for newfocus8742.protocol

import logging
import asyncio

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _make_do(cmd, doc=None):
    def f(self, xx=None, *nn):, xx, *nn)
    if doc is not None:
        f.__doc__ = doc
    return f

def _make_ask(cmd, doc=None, conv=int):
    assert cmd.endswith("?")
    async def f(self, xx=None, *nn):
        ret = await self.ask(cmd, xx, *nn)
        ret = conv(ret)
        return ret
    if doc is not None:
        f.__doc__ = doc
    return f

[docs]class NewFocus8742Protocol: """New Focus/Newport 8742 Driver. Four Channel Picomotor Controller and Driver Module, Open-Loop, 4 Channel. """ poll_interval = .01
[docs] def fmt_cmd(self, cmd, xx=None, *nn): """Format a command. Args: cmd (str): few-letter command xx (int, optional for some commands): Motor channel nn (multiple int, optional): additional parameters """ if xx is not None: cmd = "{:d}".format(xx) + cmd if nn: cmd += ", ".join("{:d}".format(n) for n in nn) return cmd
[docs] def do(self, cmd, xx=None, *nn): """Format and send a command to the device See Also: :meth:`fmt_cmd`: for the formatting and additional parameters. """ cmd = self.fmt_cmd(cmd, xx, *nn) assert len(cmd) < 64 logger.debug("do %s", cmd) self._writeline(cmd)
[docs] async def ask(self, cmd, xx=None, *nn): """Execute a command and return a response. The command needs to include the final question mark. See Also: :meth:`fmt_cmd`: for the formatting and additional parameters. """ assert cmd.endswith("?"), xx, *nn) ret = await self._readline() logger.debug("ret %s", ret) return ret
def _writeline(self, cmd): raise NotImplemented async def _readline(self): raise NotImplemented identify = _make_ask("*IDN?", """Get product identification string. This query will cause the instrument to return a unique identification string. This similar to the Version (VE) command but provides more information. In response to this command the controller replies with company name, product model name, firmware version number, firmware build date, and controller serial number. No two controllers share the same model name and serial numbers, therefore this information can be used to uniquely identify a specific controller.""", conv=str) recall = _make_do("*RCL", """Recall settings. This command restores the controller working parameters from values saved in its nonvolatile memory. It is useful when, for example, the user has been exploring and changing parameters (e.g., velocity) but then chooses to reload from previously stored, qualified settings. Note that “\*RCL 0” command just restores the working parameters to factory default settings. It does not change the settings saved in EEPROM.""") reset = _make_do("*RST", """Reset. This command performs a “soft” reset or reboot of the controller CPU. Upon restart the controller reloads parameters (e.g., velocity and acceleration) last saved in non-volatile memory. Note that upon executing this command, USB and Ethernet communication will be interrupted for a few seconds while the controller re-initializes. Ethernet communication may be significantly delayed (~30 seconds) in reconnecting depending on connection mode (Peer-to-peer, static or dynamic IP mode) as the PC and controller are negotiating TCP/IP communication.""") abort = _make_do("AB", """Abort motion. This command is used to instantaneously stop any motion that is in progress. Motion is stopped abruptly. For stop with deceleration see ST command which uses programmable acceleration/deceleration setting.""") set_acceleration = _make_do("AC", """Set acceleration. This command is used to set the acceleration value for an axis. The acceleration setting specified will not have any effect on a move that is already in progress. If this command is issued when an axis’ motion is in progress, the controller will accept the new value but it will use it for subsequent moves only. """) get_acceleration = _make_ask("AC?", """Get acceleration. This command is used to query the acceleration value for an axis.""") set_home = _make_do("DH", """Set home position. This command is used to define the “home” position for an axis. The home position is set to 0 if this command is issued without “nn” value. Upon receipt of this command, the controller will set the present position to the specified home position. The move to absolute position command (PA) uses the “home” position as reference point for moves.""") get_home = _make_ask("DH?", """Get home position. This command is used to query the home position value for an axis.""") check_motor = _make_do("MC", """Motor check. This command scans for motors connected to the controller, and sets the motor type based on its findings. If the piezo motor is found to be type ‘Tiny’ then velocity (VA) setting is automatically reduced to 1750 if previously set above 1750. To accomplish this task, the controller commands each axis to make a one-step move in the negative direction followed by a similar step in the positive direction. This process is repeated for all the four axes starting with the first one. If this command is issued when an axis is moving, the controller will generate “MOTION IN PROGRESS” error message.""") done = _make_ask("MD?", """Motion done query. This command is used to query the motion status for an axis.""") move = _make_do("MV", """Indefinite move. This command is used to move an axis indefinitely. If this command is issued when an axis’ motion is in progress, the controller will ignore this command and generate “MOTION IN PROGRESS” error message. Issue a Stop (ST) or Abort (AB) motion command to terminate motion initiated by MV""") set_position = _make_do("PA", """Target position move command. This command is used to move an axis to a desired target (absolute) position relative to the home position defined by DH command. Note that DH is automatically set to 0 after system reset or a power cycle. If this command is issued when an axis’ motion is in progress, the controller will ignore this command and generate “MOTION IN PROGRESS” error message. The direction of motion and number of steps needed to complete the motion will depend on where the motor count is presently at before the command is issued. Issue a Stop (ST) or Abort (AB) motion command to terminate motion initiated by PA""") get_position = _make_ask("PA?", """Get target position. This command is used to query the target position of an axis.""") set_relative = _make_do("PR", """Relative move. This command is used to move an axis by a desired relative distance. If this command is issued when an axis’ motion is in progress, the controller will ignore this command and generate “MOTION IN PROGRESS” error message. Issue a Stop (ST) or Abort (AB) motion command to terminate motion initiated by PR""") get_relative = _make_ask("PR?", """This command is used to query the target position of an axis.""") set_type = _make_do("QM", """Motor type set command. This command is used to manually set the motor type of an axis. Send the Motors Check (MC) command to have the controller determine what motors (if any) are connected. Note that for motor type ‘Tiny’, velocity should not exceed 1750 step/sec. To save the setting to non-volatile memory, issue the Save (SM) command. Note that the controller may change this setting if auto motor detection is enabled by setting bit number 0 in the configuration register to 0 (default) wit ZZ command. When auto motor detection is enabled the controller checks motor presence and type automatically during all moves and updates QM status accordingly.""") get_type = _make_ask("QM?", """Get motor type. This command is used to query the motor type of an axis. It is important to note that the QM? command simply reports the present motor type setting in memory. It does not perform a check to determine whether the setting is still valid or corresponds with the motor connected at that instant. If motors have been removed and reconnected to different controller channels or if this is the first time, connecting this system then issuing the Motor Check (MC) command is recommended. This will ensure an accurate QM? command response.""") position = _make_ask("TP?", """Get actual position. This command is used to query the actual position of an axis. The actual position represents the internal number of steps made by the controller relative to its position when controller was powered ON or a system reset occurred or Home (DH) command was received. Note that the real or physical position of the actuator/motor may differ as a function of mechanical precision and inherent open-loop positioning inaccuracies.""") set_velocity = _make_do("VA", """Set Velocity. This command is used to set the velocity value for an axis. The velocity setting specified will not have any effect on a move that is already in progress. If this command is issued when an axis’ motion is in progress, the controller will accept the new value but it will use it for subsequent moves only. The maximum velocity for a ‘Standard’ Picomotor is 2000 steps/sec, while the same for a ‘Tiny’ Picomotor is 1750 steps/sec """) get_velocity = _make_ask("VA?", """Get Velocity. This command is used to query the velocity value for an axis.""") stop = _make_do("ST", """Stop motion. This command is used to stop the motion of an axis. The controller uses acceleration specified using AC command to stop motion. If no axis number is specified, the controller stops the axis that is currently moving. Use Abort (AB) command to abruptly stop motion without deceleration.""") error_message = _make_ask("TB?", """Query error code and the associated message. The error code is one numerical value up to three(3) digits long. (see Appendix for complete listing) In general, non-axis specific errors numbers range from 0- 99. Axis-1 specific errors range from 100-199, Axis-2 errors range from 200-299 and so on. The message is a description of the error associated with it. All arguments are separated by commas. Note: Errors are maintained in a FIFO buffer ten(10) elements deep. When an error is read using TB or TE, the controller returns the last error that occurred and the error buffer is cleared by one(1) element. This means that an error can be read only once, with either command.""", conv=str) error_code = _make_ask("TE?", """Get Error code. This command is used to read the error code. The error code is one numerical value up to three(3) digits long. (see Appendix for complete listing) In general, non-axis specific errors numbers range from 0-99. Axis-1 specific errors range from 100-199, Axis-2 errors range from 200-299 and so on. Note: Errors are maintained in a FIFO buffer ten(10) elements deep. When an error is read using TB or TE, the controller returns the last error that occurred and the error buffer is cleared by one(1) element. This means that an error can be read only once, with either command.""") async def finish(self, xx=None): while not await self.done(xx): await asyncio.sleep(self.poll_interval) async def ping(self): try: await self.ask("VE?") except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: logger.warning("ping failed", exc_info=True) return False return True